Friday, February 26, 2010

Learning profile

Naturalistic: 22
Visual/spatial: 21
Musical: 16
Intrapersonal: 17
interpersonal: 21
Logical: 21
Linguistic: 17
This multiple intelligence has asked me questions about teamwork and e.t.c. It feels like a self reflection of myself. It tells me what i am better at. The questions that are asked are really significant as it relates to our everyday life. This quiz tells us what we are good at. This quiz also tells us as a person which type of smartness we are better at, be it picture smart, music smart, myself smart, people smart, number smart, word smart, body smart or nature smart. This quiz gives us a overview of what we are better at. To get accurate results from this quiz, one must be honest when attempting the questions and not randomly clicking.

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