Saturday, February 27, 2010

Maycomb living conditions

Many of the residents residing in Maycomb are brave and courageous. This can be seen through the incident when Ms Maudie's house caught fire. Mr Avery ran into the flaming house bravely and started throwing furnitures out of the window. Other residentsR were also helping, either by helping to push the fire truck or helping to carry Ms Maudie's furniture out of her burning house. This not only shows courage displayed by the residents, but also teamwork and care among the neighbors. However, many of the residents in Maycomb are racist. Racism can be seen through many incidents that occurred in Maycomb. For example, when Jem, Dill and Scout sneaked into the Radley's Porch to sneak Boo a note, Mr Radley saw them in the dark and assumed that it was a negro that had sneaked into his yard. This proves that whenever someone is suspected of doing something bad, the first thing that would come to people's minds will be that it was done by a negro. Another good example is when the mop turns up at the jail, wanting to lynch Tom Robinson before his trial. Tom Robinson was also being discriminated during his trial by not only the juries but also by the audience at the trial. Although there was no real evidence that Tom had raped Mayella, it was almost as if the court had already planned on sentencing Tom. This shows how badly Tom, a black, is being discriminated. Maycomb is a pleasant town to live in but the residents are racist against blacks.

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