Monday, March 1, 2010


Design an obituary for Mrs Dubose.

Mrs Henry Layfayette Dubose
Age: 84

As a strong-willed woman, Mrs Dubose passed away free from drugs, after a difficult struggle with her morphine addition. She chose to die "beholden to nothing and nobody" and fought against her morphine addiction, instead of choosing to die painlessly. She upheld her beliefs of freedom and struggled towards it even when her condition worsened. Her actions were all based on courage from within herself. It took all she could give before she finally overcame her addiction. Even though she may not be with us anymore, I believe she will still be remembered as a heroine that fought off morphine addiction in the heart of many of us.

Who would you want to be friends with in the novel? Explain.

I would choose to be friends with Jem. Jem has a deeper understandings of matters as compared to Jem or Dill and shares some of his understandings to Scout while keeping some to himself which he feels is better for Scout not to know. He has an unbiased view of the things happening around him. He is courageous and looks out for others around him when they are in danger.
He is also determined to help others as evident from his unwillingness to leave the Maycomb Prison when the mob was there to lynch Tom Robinson. He is strong-willed and has strong beliefs. Although at times he may suddenly explode from confiding his feelings towards others and be mean to others, he is generally a nice person as he kept most of the things that he knew would heart scout's feelings to himself, showing how he cares for his younger sister.

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